
Note: Please don't forget to cite WaterlilyPond (http://waterlily.eplant.org) in your papers (not just in supplemental).
Citations (and tweets, mentions in talks etc) really help us get funding to continue developing the database.

Cite us:

Zhang L, Chen F, Zhang X, et al. The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants. Nature 577, 79-84(2020).

Chen F, Liu X, Yu C, Chen Y, Tang H, Zhang L. Water lilies as emerging models for Darwin’s abominable mystery. Hort Res. 4, 17051(2018).

To report a bug, e-mail me: Dr. Fei Chen, feichen@njau.edu.cn

1. Omic datasets

Species Genome Protein CDS GFF3
Nymphaea colorata (v1.0, suggested) Genome Protein CDS GFF3
Nymphaea colorata (NCBI version) Genome: N.A. Protein CDS1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 GFF3: N.A.
Brasenia schreberi N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Cabomba caroliniana N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Euryale ferox N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Victoria cruziana N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea rubra N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea mexicana N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea tetragona N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea prolifera N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea potamophila N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea 'Midnight' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea 'Choolarp' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea 'Thong Garnjana' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea 'Paramee' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea 'Woods blue goddess' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea caerulea N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea gigantea 'Albert de Lestang' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nymphaea gigantea 'Hybrid I' N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nuphar lutea N.A. Protein CDS N.A.
Nuphar advena N.A. Protein CDS1,2,3 N.A.

2.The phylogenetic signals, composed of low-copy nuclear genes, for the evolutioanry place of water lily are available. [Download here]